Ghostty – New Fast GPU Accelerated Terminal Emulator for Linux & Mac

For Linux and macOS users, here’s a new fast feature-rich terminal emulator!

It’s Ghostty, a free open-source (MIT license) terminal app written mainly by Zig programming launage. The terminal is super fast, as it uses Metal on macOS and OpenGL on Linux for GPU-accelerated rendering.

Ghostty supports multi-windows, tab, and splitting terminal layout horizontally or vertically. While, there’s a quick button to trigger overview and search all open terminal windows.

The terminal supports full customization of the color theme, and ships with hundreds of built-in themes.

Just run ghostty +list-themes command to list all themes with previews. Then, go top-right settings menu to open configuration file, and write theme = theme_name_here to take use any theme that you like.

While it also supports dark/light themes. For example, use theme = dark:ayu,light:ayu_light will make it automatically switch between ayu and ayu_light depends on your desktop light/dark styles.

Ghostty also features a terminal inspector, allowing users to view detailed information, including running processes, window size, fonts, memory usage, and other settings. And, it can automatically inject shell integration for bash, zsh, fish, and elvish.

The terminal features platform-native UI. In Linux it uses GTK4 plus LibAdwaita.

While, the mac app is true SwiftUI-based application, and features drop-down from the menu bar, drag’n’drop the proxy icon to move or access terminal session files, or navigate to the file path directly, and auto detect password prompts or manually enable secure keyboard entry to protect passwords from other processes.

Other features include:

  • Able to use fonts that have ligatures.
  • Multi-codepoint emoji such as flags, skin tones, etc. are rendered correctly as a single character.
  • Kitty graphics protocol support.
  • Terminal API (VT).
  • And more, see the docs for details.

How to Get Ghostty Terminal Emulator

Ghostty now provides official binary package for macOS, which is available in its downloads page:

For Linux, there’s no official packages at the moment of writing.

Besides building from the source tarball, Arch Linux users can install the community maintained package from extra repository:

sudo pacman -Syy
pacman -S ghostty
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