Wallpaper contest for Ubuntu 23.10, Mantic Minotaur, opens now!
This time, the top 8 submissions will be included in the Ubuntu 23.10 Mantic Minotaur disco image!
To submit your photo images, you need to follow the rules below:
- You MUST own the rights to the image you’re submitting.
- Full quality image in 3840×2160 px.
- PNG, Webp, or JPEG acceptable.
- No watermarks, names or logos on the image.
- License the image as CC BY-SA 4.0 or CC BY 4.0.
The submission starts on August 4, 2023 (UTC). And, it will end at August 25, 2023 (UTC). Once submission closed, anyone can vote (need to login) favorite images until September 1, 2023 (UTC).
To submit your images, just go to link below:
Without login or any user account, it’s also a good place to get cool wallpapers. And, the first one, “Beach” – by meetdilip, is just great!

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