RSS Guard Feed Reader 3.8.4 Added Filter Preview Support

RSS Guard feed reader 3.8.4 was released a day ago with new features, UI improvements, and bug-fixes.

RSS Guard is simple (yet powerful) RSS/ATOM feed aggregator developed using Qt framework which supports online feed synchronization with these services:

  • Tiny Tiny RSS,
  • Inoreader,
  • Nextcloud News,
  • Gmail API.

The new 3.8.4 release brings filter preview feature which allows to see which messages a particular filter is gonna catch right from the “Message filters” dialog, ability to manually execute a filter against either all items in the selected list or just unread items, and ‘Filter messages like this’ functionality.

Toolbars in message previewer now can be hidden, and there’s now an option to hide the number of unread feeds from the tray icon.

RSS Guard now prefers to use desktop environment’s icon set on Linux. The “Edit feed” dialog was rewritten and made modular so that it fits better all plugins. And also bug-fixes to Vimeo feed, Nextcloud News server, and more.

How to Get RSS Guard in Linux:

The software offers official Linux, Window, Mac OS binary packages available to download at the link below:

For Linux, grab the appimage, give executable permission in its properties dialog, and finally click run the appimage to launch the feed reader.

RSS Guard is also available as universal Linux flatpak package. Simply follow the setup guide and run the command in the bottom of the Flathub page to install it.

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