Cawbird – GTK+ 3 Twitter App for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE

Cawbird is an open-source Linux native Twitter client built with GTK+ 3, and supports all of the main Twitter features.

Cawbird is a fork of Corebird (which was abandoned). It features a modern user interface, keyboard shortcuts support, image / video pop-up preview, etc.

The software offers native packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, CentOS, NixOS, Solus. It’s also easy to install in most other Linux via universal Snap and / or Flatpak packages.

How to Get Cawbird in Linux Desktops:

The latest version of the official .deb and .rpm packages are available to download at the link below:

The following Linux Distros currently have their own official packages. Simply run following commands to install the Twitter App:

  • For Fedora (30+), simply run command:
    sudo dnf install cawbird
  • For NixOS (19.09+), run:
    nix-shell -p cawbird for testing, nix-env -iA cawbird for permanent installation.
  • For Solus, run command:
    sudo eopkg it cawbird

For other Linux, the community builds of Snap and Flatpak (both run in sandbox) packages are available to download at the link below:

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