Orchis – A Material Design Theme for Gnome Desktop

Orchis – A Material Design Theme for GNOME

Orchis is a nana-4 based theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments. With it, the top panel and core applications will have rounded corners.

Install Dependencies:

If you like this flat style theme, firstly install the dependency package gnome-themes-extra.
For Debian and Ubuntu based systems, run command (for Fedora, replace apt via dnf):

sudo apt install gnome-themes-extra

Then install the Murrine engine. For Ubuntu/Debian, you can install it via command:

sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine

For Fedora, run this command instead:

sudo dnf install gtk-murrine-engine

Download / Install Orachis GTK Theme:

To grab the source, simply click the link below to download it from github:

Then extract the source, and go into the source folder. Right-click on blank area and select “Open in Terminal”:

When terminal opens, you can finally run command to install the theme:


Apply Orchis Theme:

To apply the theme, open Gnome Tweaks and go to Appearances tab. There change the themes for both Applications and Shell.

The Shell theme drop-down box is grayed-out? Install User Themes extension to enable it.

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