Manjaro Linux 23.0 Released! Kernel 6.5 & Updated Desktop Environments

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Manjaro Linux 23.0, code-name Uranos, was released this Tuesday.

Manjaro is a beginner friendly Linux Distribution based on Arch Linux. As a rolling release system, it’s continuously delivering updates to system packages. So, many users may be already working on the new 23.0 release.

According to the announcement, the new release use Kernel 6.5 by default, though Linux 6.1 and 5.15 are available for choices.

The bigger changes compare to the latest 22.1.0, include GNOME 44 that features grid view in file chooser dialog, redesigned ‘Accessibility’ and ‘Mouse & Touchpad’ settings, ‘Background Apps’ in quick settings, QR code support when enabling Wi-Fi hotspot. See the GNOME release note for details.

They also include KDE 5.27 LTS and KDE Gear 23.8, feature new window tiling system and new welcome screen. See more about it via this page.

The XFCE Desktop has also been updated to v4.18, with new file highlighting feature, recursive Search support, and enhanced Hi-DPI display support.

The release note didn’t mention more about the changes, but you can take a brief look at the stable updates in past months since April.

Download / Upgrade to Manjaro 23.0

To upgrade to Manjaro Linux 23.0 from an existing release, just launch “Add/Remove Software” utility and install all available updates.

Then, you can run lsb_release -a command in a terminal window to verify.

To download Manjaro Linux, just go to its website via the link below:

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