How to Enable Classic Toolbox Layout in GIMP Image Editor

Prefer the classic toolbox layout in GIMP that lists full tool icons in the left? It’s easy to re-enable it.

GIMP, GNU Image Manipulation Program in short, is one of the most popular image editor for Linux desktop. Since version 2.10.x, it uses a grouped toolbox layout that displays less tool icons in left.

By moving the mouse cursor over a tool icon with small triangle in the bottom left, an info box will pop up prompts that a few more tools also in group.

Enable classic toolbox layout in GIMP:

The new layout will save a few window space. However, beginners may feel confused and try to find tools from head bar menus instead. If so, you can re-enable the classic toolbox layout via following steps:

  1. Open GIMP image editor, and go to menu Edit -> Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, go to Interface -> Toolbox settings in the left.
  3. Next disable the check-box which says “Use tool groups
  4. Finally click on the OK button and done.

After that, you’ll see a full list of tool icons in the left of GIMP window, just like the top picture shows.

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