Digital Painting App Krita 4.4.0 Released with Disney Animation’s SeExpr Integration

Free open-source digital painting software Krita 4.4.0 was released one day ago with new fill layer types, brushes options, and hundreds of bug-fixes.

The new release brings the integration of Disney Animation’s SeExpr expression language. It allows you to code your own fill layers in Krita.

Krita 4.4.0 also features multi-threading support for fill layers, so it will be a lot faster when running with multi-core CPUs.

As well, it added a new fill layer option Screentone specialized in filling with dots, squares, lines, waves or more, and new fill layer Multigrid that generates, among others, Penrose tilings, as well as Quasicrystal structures.

Other features in Krita 4.4.0:

  • Transformations for the pattern fill.
  • Gradient Map mode for Brush-tips
  • Lightness and Gradient modes for brush textures
  • Diagonal selection lines in MyPaint color selector
  • Support for dynamic changing of gradients based on the current fore and background colors.
  • Audio Support within an AppImage.
  • WebM/VP9 preset for Animation Rendering.
  • Compositions docker allows for saving / loading layer visibility configurations.
  • GDQUEST Batch Exporter add-on.
  • Python plugin Channels to Layers.
  • Ctrl+C/X/V will work with selected layers if nothing is selected.
  • Basic Reapply Filter with Prompt.
  • Add ‘selection as a border’ option to the Fill Tool.

Get Krita 4.4.0 in Linux:

For non-install single executable Appimage, exe, apk, as well source code, go the download link:

For Ubuntu based systems, the 2D animation software is available in Krita Lime PPA.

For universal Linux flatpak package, go to

Gentoo users can also run command to install the community maintained package:

layman -a bloody && emerge --sync && emerge krita
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