Compress PNG / JPEG File Size (Lossless or Lossy) in Linux Easily via Curtail

Looking for a graphical tool to compress your PNG / JPEG images? Curtail is a simple tool that supports both lossless and lossy compression.

Without uploading images online, Curtail is a free open-source tool provides a simple and easy to use interface for optimizing your images.

The software is written in Python with GTK+ toolkit. It uses optipng and pngquant for both lossless and lossy PNG compression. And uses jpegoptim for optimizing JPEG files.

In the app windows, simply choose “lossless” or “lossy” mode. Then either click “Browse your files” or drag and drop your picture file or files into it.

It batch compress all the files and save outputs in same folder with -min suffix in file names.

You can change the compression preferences as well as other app settings, including:

  • Keep metadata or not.
  • Overwrite original images or not.
  • Customize file suffix.
  • Toggle dark mode.
  • Change lossy compression level for PNG / JPEG.
  • Set Lossless PNG compression level.
  • Progressive Encode JPG.

How to Get Curtail in Linux:

For the source code as well as more about the software, go to:

For Ubuntu, Linux Mint users, a PPA repository is available. So you can open terminal and run following commands one by one to install it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/curtail

sudo apt update

sudo apt install curtail

For Arch Linux and Manjaro, the tool has been made into the community repository. Just install it via pacman or the pamac software installer utility.

For all other Linux, Curtail is available as universal Flatpak package. Just follow the setup and run the bottom command in that page.

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