Xournal++ 1.2.1 Released with Option to Disable Audio System & Various Fixes

Xournal++, the popular free open-source PDF annotation software, announced a new minor update a few weeks after the new major 1.2 release.

It’s Xournal++ 1.2.1, a minor release that also has few new features. They include a default toolbar so that the app does not start without toolbar on new installations. And, an option in ‘Preferences’ dialog, and command line flag --disable-audio to disable audio system for audio recording.

As well, the official builds are now all built with gtksourceview styling for the LaTeX tool and in “RelWithDeb” mode. Thus failing asserts do not result in a crash anymore.

Other changes are mainly bug-fixes, including errorlog opening issue on Windows, Linux Snap and Flatpak packages, and GTK4 compatibility.

How to get Xournal++ 1.2.1

The github releases page provides official packages for Linux, Windows, and macOS, available to download via the link below:

For Ubuntu, Linux Mint users, there’s also an Ubuntu PPA contains the latest package for more CPU architecture types support, including amd64, arm64/armhf, ppc64el and s390x.

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