GNOME has a New GTK4 Keyboard Layout Viewer

The GNOME developer team is now working on a new keyboard layout viewer written in GTK4 and LibAdwaita.

It’s tecla, a basic app for integration with the GNOME desktop. According to this bug-report, telca is expected to be a dependency of GNOME Shell and Gnome-Control-Center for the upcoming GNOME 45, as a replacement of gkbd-capplet.

You know, GNOME is porting to GTK4 + LibAdwaita. In GNOME 45, which will be default in Ubuntu 23.10 and Fedora 39, the “Show Keyboard Layout” option in system tray input source indicator may (I guess) launch the new modern keyboard layout viewer instead of the old classic one.

Though, user can of course run tecla command from a terminal window to manually start the keyboard layout viewer.

As Gnome is keeping redesigning the ‘Settings’ pages in recent releases,  the ‘Keyboard -> Input Sources’ might also be redesigned in future release with the new keyboard layout viewer integration.

Try out Tecla Keyboard Layout Viewer

Debian unstable and Ubuntu 23.10 have include the package in their repositories. Just open a terminal window and run commands to install it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tecla

Fedora 37/38 can also install the package however through a third-party RPM Sphere repository.

After installation, just run tecla can launch the current keyboard layout from command line.

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