Deepin – one top beautiful Linux Distro Released V23 Beta 2

Deepin Linux announced the second Beta of the next v23 major release this Monday!

Deepin is a free open-source Linux Distribution, that features Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) built on Qt toolkit. It’s developed by Deepin Technology, a company from China.

The current Deepin v22 is based on Debian stable branch. However, v23 does NOT use Debian package base. While, apt and deb are still default package manager and app package format.

Deepin 23 does not based on Debian

In the new Beta, it features Linux Kernel 6.1, Qt 6.4, and experimental Wayland session support. It supports Lexmark printers and include HPLIP 3.22.10 in its repository.

The Deepin Control Center (aka Settings) added a new ‘deepin ID‘, allows to sync personal data, app store, and support using Cloud service. User can login with WeChat, Phone Number, Email, or register with custom username.

Deepin User ID

“Account” has been replaced with “User” in both installer and Settings dialog. The scrollbar display logic has been optimized to improve user perception. And, it now shows Windowing system (X11 or Wayland) in ‘System Info’ page.

Other changes in this Beta include:

  • Resolved keyring unlock popping up, when login without password.
  • Support for Linglong application updates
  • Improve battery life under power mode.
  • Import / Export ICS file support in Calendar app
  • Shift+Ctrl+mouse wheel shortcut to adjust terminal transparency.
  • Supports .ogg audio file playback for default Music app.

And, there are tons of bug-fixes. See release note for details.

Download Deepin 23

Both Deepin 22 and 23 Beta are available to download at the link below:

Deepin seems not having a hardware requirement page. Though, it apparently needs a X86_64 CPU, 4 GB RAM. And, the default install asks at least 64 GB disk space, however, you can manually assign a smaller space (10 GB at least for system).

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